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Aging in Place
" Ideas "
Independence:Being in your home allows us to continue with our everyday tasks and keeps our minds and spirits elevated.
Comfort:Everyone feels safer and more secure in the place they know and love. Also, having family, friends, community, and neighbors nearby contribute to our overall well-being.
Less Stress:The stress of selling a home, moving and relocating to an institution can be overwhelming. Dorothy says it best: “There’s no place like home!”
Convenience:It is much safer and easier for caregivers to administer care as well as making it easier for family and friends to visit and check-in.
Familiarity:Being familiar with your home is an important safety concern. Knowing where things are and how to get from room to room helps us avoid making costly mistakes inside the home, greatly helping to prevent falls.
Economic:Compared to the high prices charged for medical institutions, remodeling a home is by far the most cost effective method to remain independent.
Safety:Remodeling a home so a person can stay there helps contribute to their well being in many different ways: keeping them secure, comfortable, independent, and safe inside the home. Comprising 55 percent of all unintentional injury deaths, falls are the leading cause of injury or death among Americans aged 65 and over. Annually, more than 2.8 million elderly adults are treated in emergency rooms for fall-related injuries. Of all falls occurring in the home, 80 percent happen in the bathroom, and one in five falls results in a serious injury such as a broken bone or head injury. These injuries often decrease the mobility of elderly adults and cause them to reduce their everyday activities, even diminishing their ability to live on their own. Meanwhile, nearly 90 percent of adults aged 65 and older indicate that they prefer to remain in their own homes for as long as possible, with four out of five believing they will always live in their current home. Despite this risk, the elderly rebuff losing their independence: senior citizens have a greater fear of moving into a nursing home than of death. The Most Important Part; Implementing successful safety measures in the bathrooms starts with; Hiring a contractor who has professional training and education, and is qualified to install such key safety features. As a “Certified aging in place specialist”, or C.A.P.S. ,Karas Construction Company does just that. We have been a trusted name for over 35 years.

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